Welcome to Time Out of Mind

In January 2020, I was punched in the face by a brain cancer diagnosis. Time Out of Mind is a visual journal to heal myself and find the joy, humor, and poignancy of daily life. This life, which calls us to wrestle with both tenacity and tenderness.

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What Readers are Saying

That last verse says it all.  Your thoughts and drawings are soul poetry. - Kathy

I love this so much! - Katie


I'm not sure I've fully expressed how much joy I get from your writing. A small present in my inbox, a tiny lyrical dance that goes straight to my heart. Such a welcome break from the dry work related emails of need that I get all day long. A sip of nectar. Thank you - T.W.

I love your writings and your drawings so much. - A.G.

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When you subscribe you get my mostly weekly posts in your email. If your email puts it in spam or some strange place, add cassie@substack.com to your email contacts. All posts are kept on the Time Out of Mind page.

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Writing and drawing into an uncertain future.


Here is how my young son describes me: My mama is really smart. Her favorite food is broccoli, I think, and her favorite drink is bubbly ice water. She likes to watch a cooking show where only 1 person wins. I love my mom!
The Intern